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1. 其他的习惯设置

3. rubymine2016 汉化


下载链接: 密码: kqjh
RubyMine 2016汉化包使用方法:

1、链接: 密码: yptn 下载汉化包

4. rubymine 编辑器代码自动缩进设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Code Style:
Indents Dection -> detect and use existing file indents for sditing(检测并使用现有的文件缩进进行编辑) 对号去掉

EditorConfig -> Enable EditorConfig support 对号去掉

根据代码语言进行缩进设置: (TypeScript) Editor -> Code Style -> TypeScript -> Tabs and Indents

5. rubymine 颜色设置


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Scheme: 选择一款喜欢的主题
其中 default 主题是窗口是白色的,其他的有黑色的


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> TypeScript -> Regular expression -> foreground

字符串转义 颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> TypeScript -> valid string escape -> foreground

1. 输入行的背景色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Caret row

2. 代码编辑区背景色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> General -> Text -> Default test -> background

3. 行号字的颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> General -> Code -> Line number


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> General -> Editor -> Gutter background

4. 鼠标选择区域前景色(字体颜色)

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Selection background

5. 鼠标选择的背景色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Selection foreground

6. 字符串的颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> String -> String text -> Foreground
这是通用的设置,如果想某种语言字符串颜色特定 以ruby语言为例:
preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Ruby -> String -> Foreground
如果勾选了 Use inherited attributes则会使用上面的设置,在这里也告诉了此处默认的设置位置String -> String text of Language Defaults

7. HTML代码<div class= "line"> &times; </div >

  1. class= 颜色背景色设置 preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Markup -> Attribute ->
    Foreground 字体颜色, Background 背景色
  2. &times; 颜色背景色设置
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Markup -> Entity ->
    Foreground 字体颜色, Background 背景色
  3. < /> 颜色背景色设置
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Markup -> Tag ->
    Foreground <颜色, Background 背景色

8. <div><span>企业信息管理dsdsddddd</span></div>

  1. div span 字体的颜色设置
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Keyword -> Foreground
  2. 没有被任何符号包含(企业信息管理ds)的字体颜色 设置
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Text -> Default text -> Foreground

9. 局部变量颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Identifiers -> Local variable -> Foreground
其他语言个性化设置(JavaScript): Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> JavaScript -> Local variable -> Foreground

10. 数字颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Number -> Foreground

11. 行注释,块注释 颜色修改

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Comments -> Line comment -> Foreground

12. git 新增行,修改行,删除行 颜色标记修改


  1. git 新增行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Gutter -> Added lines -> Background
  2. git 删除行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Gutter -> Deleted lines -> Background
  3. git 修改行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Gutter -> modified lines -> Background


  1. git 新增行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> VCS -> Editor Gutter -> Added lines -> Background
  2. git 删除行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> VCS -> Editor Gutter -> Deleted lines -> Background
  3. git 修改行标记颜色修改:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors Scheme -> VCS -> Editor Gutter -> modified lines -> Background

13. git diff 弹窗 真实背景色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Text -> Background in readonly file - Background

14. 编辑器 分隔线颜色设置

  1. 分隔线颜色设置:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Tear line -> Foreground
  2. 选择分隔线颜色设置:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Tear line selection -> Foreground
  3. 右边线颜色设置:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Right margin

15. 垂直缩进线颜色设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Code -> Vertical indent guide -> Background

16. 括号匹配颜色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Code -> Matched brace -> Background

17. 鼠标光标颜色

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Caret

18. 折叠文本颜色

  1. 折叠文本三个点颜色:

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Text -> Fold text -> Foreground

  1. 折叠文本背景色:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Text -> Fold text -> Background

19. 注入语言片段背景色修改

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Code -> Injected language fragment -> Background

20. 光标定位变量一样的 颜色

  1. 光标在变量定义处:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Code -> Identifier under caret(write) -> Background
  2. 变量一样其他变量的背景色:
    preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Code -> Identifier under caret -> Background

21 export class EnterpriseListShowComponent implements OnInit {

  1. export class keyword 关键字颜色设置 (JavaScript) Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> JavaScript -> Keyword -> Foreground
    如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes ,则: Language Defaults -> Keyword
  2. 类名字颜色设置
    (JavaScript) Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> JavaScript -> Class -> Foreground
    如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes : Language Defaults -> Classes -> Class name

22. 实例成员方法名颜色设置:

(JavaScript) Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> JavaScript -> Instance member function -> Foreground
如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes,则: Language Defaults -> Classes -> Instance method

23. 方法参数颜色设置 Parameter

  1. 方法参数颜色设置:
    (JavaScript) Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> JavaScript -> Parameter:
    Foreground, 字体颜色
    Background, 背景色
    如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes,则: Language Defaults -> Indentifiers -> Parameter


  1. 类实例变量颜色设置:
    (TypeScript)Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> TypeScript -> Instance member variable -> Foreground
    如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes,则: JavaScript -> Instance member variable
    (通用) Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Language Defaults -> Classes ->Instance field -> Foreground
  2. 接口颜色设置:
    (TypeScript)Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> TypeScript -> Interface -> Foreground
    如果勾选了: Use inherited attributes,则: Language Defaults -> Classes -> Interface name

25. 搜索结果的颜色背景色设置:

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Search Results -> Text search result
搜索结果字体颜色: Foreground ,搜索结果背景色: Background

6. 当回车后,按删除键后又回到了上一行,禁止

Smart Keys,这个选择一下:
preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> Backspace -> Unident: To nearest indent position
Code Style,这里设置一下:
Editor -> Code Style:
EditorConfig -> Enable EditorConfig support把这里的对号去掉
Editor -> Code Style -> TypeScript -> Tabs and Indents

7. Editor Tabs 编辑器标签页设置,显示正在编辑文件的路径

  1. 显示编辑文件的路径:
    rubymine左上角 -> View -> navigation Bar , 前面打上对号。


rubymine左上角 -> View -> Toolbar , 前面打上对号。

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Synchrogazation(同步):
save file on frame deactivation(鼠标光标停止的时候保存文件,好像这么理解), 把这个前面的对号去掉,就可以在编辑时不会自动保存了。
Synchronize file on frame or editor tab activation, 这个是否去掉暂时不知道,

12. 代码折叠设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Code Folding:
-> Show code folding outline: 这个打上对号,就会显示代码折叠的提示线。
-> Collapse by default: 这下面是默认折叠的代码块的选项,哪个不想默认折叠把前面的对号去掉就可以了。

14. 编辑器代码自动换行


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General:
Soft Wraps -> Use soft wraps in editor , 前面打上对号,就会自动软换行。

21. 代码从新格式化格式设置

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> Code Style -> TypeScript -> Spaces -> After type reference colon':'打上对号

22. 关闭TypeScript 自动编译

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Languages & Frameworks -> TypeScript:
Compiler: Enable TypeScript Compiler 去掉前面的对号,就不会自动编译了。

23. 显示/隐藏 编辑器中空格上的白点

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> show whitespaces ,点击选中或取消。

24. 显示/隐藏 编辑器 代码块垂直线

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Vertical indent guide ,点击选中或取消。

25. 显示/隐藏 编辑器 行号

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> show line numbers

2. 显示/隐藏 编辑器 右边距

preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> show right margin


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs:
Tab Appearance -> Show tabs in single row(在单行显示标签), 对号去掉。
Tab Closing Policy(选项卡关闭策略) -> Tab limit(选项卡限制) , 里面的数字改大一点


preferences(cmd + ,) -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs:
Tab Appearance -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk (标记修改过的标签为星号),打上对号。

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